
Volunteers are the heart of our PTA and Juanita El!  None of the events could happen without the help of parents, relatives, community members and students.  

SignUp Links to Volunteer Opportunities 2023-2024


Artist in Residence classroom help:  Jun 17-18 

Family Movie Night: Coming soon

Popcorn Fridays: 5/17, 6/14

PI Day Staff Appreciation: next one is in 2025

Mystery reader: Ongoing

Culture and Music Night: Coming in 2025

Earth Day Extravaganza: Coming in 2025

Juanita's Got Talent: Coming in 2025

Green Team: Coming in 2025

Please visit the LWSD Volunteer page for additional information. You must be an LWSD approved volunteer to take part in many of the school events in classrooms, field trips and community events.  

Volunteer approvals are valid for two years. 

2023-2024 Volunteer Opportunities 

(Duties shareable between multiple people)


Email: info@juanitaelpta.com