About Us

What does the Juanita El PTA do? 

The Juanita Elementary School PTA has a core mission to enhance the learning achievement of our children and deepen the relationship between its families and our local community. We will seek opportunities to collaborate with teachers, administrators and parents and will foster an environment where our children can be successful and can fully enjoy the Juanita Elementary experience.

Community and Student Connections

School Play Earth Day Extravaganza

Popcorn Friday Mothers & More Breakfast

Yearbook Talent Show

Coffee Talk Family Movie Night

Holiday Bazaar Family Breakfast Events

Meet & Greet Father Figure Breakfast

Student Directory Welcome Back Family Social

Educational Enrichment

Artists in Residence program Juanita El Math Challenge

Science & Magic Show Assembly Book Swap

Reflections Art Competition Summer Reading Program

Mystery Reader Program Anti-Bullying Assembly

Supporting the Outdoor Education

Giving Back to Our Community

Staff Appreciation Events Digging Garden

Campus Improvements Teacher Grants

Pantry Packs Classroom Calm Down Corners

Green Team Raised Garden Beds